为医疗保健工作进行重新定位? 这是该怎么做.

为医疗保健工作进行重新定位 在这里s What to Do
2023年8月29日上午09:41 (GMT-04:00)

How to Prepare for a Successful Healthcare Job Relocation

In recent years, the healthcare industry has undergone significant turnover within the workforce. During the past year, hospital turnover was as high as 25.9% ( 医疗保健财务).

While this turnover presents ongoing challenges for hospitals, it also creates opportunities for you if you’re one of the savvy providers willing to relocate. You'll have many options if you are flexible and open to moving.

在这里, we’ll explore why 搬迁 is a smart career move – from the benefits of relocating to steps for a smooth transition!

Benefits of Relocating as a Healthcare Professional

搬家对一些人来说可能听起来很有压力, but if you consider the benefits of relocating (and pair that with a strategy to streamline the process), 你可能会发现这是值得的!

无论你是 医生, 高级实践提供者, 护士, 专职医疗人员 or 非临床团队成员,搬迁可以帮助你:

  • 〇增加收入 Certain areas of the country pay more than others. Depending on the demand for your position or specialty, shortage of providers, etc., you may be able to increase your compensation significantly if you’re willing to relocate.
  • 提升你的职业水平 If you’re willing to move, you’ll have more opportunities for 职业发展. Being open to relocating will expand your access to leadership roles, 让你接触一流的设备, and give you greater autonomy and responsibility.
  • 〇建立人脉 想象一下在全国各地都有同事. What would that do to widen your future opportunities and knowledge base? Relocating can help you get to know providers in various locations and get your name out into the field.
  • 成熟的专业和个人 当你进入新的领域,你会有所收获 文化能力 and understanding of various 患者人群s. You’ll explore new cities, see new sights, and try new foods. 你会随着经验的扩大而成长.
  • 保持新鲜感 Staying in the same old place for too long can lead to burnout. The learning curve is exciting, but the mastery stage can become tedious. If you feel you’re in the daily grind, a 搬迁 can reinvigorate your career.

8 Steps for a Successful Healthcare Job Relocation

Imagine these two different 搬迁 scenarios

In the first scenario, you’re scrambling to hammer out the details of your move. You’re rushing around to gather paperwork and searching for the documents when they’re needed. Once you arrive, you’re unsure of your surroundings and how you’ll commute to work. You’re nervous about settling in with enough time to start your new job confidently.

In the second scenario, you’re efficient and organized and know where you’re headed. You’ve got your documents in order, and they’re easily accessible. You’ve scouted your route and become familiar with your town. And you’ve got plenty of time to settle into your new place and relax before you embark on your next great career adventure!

在这里’s how to make the second 搬迁 scenario happen:

  1. Work with a healthcare staffing agency that is experienced in 搬迁s and knows how to help! 如果你和一个技术娴熟、经验丰富的团队一起工作, 他们会帮助安排工作, 谈判, 许可和认证, 住房补贴, 旅行安排, 搬迁, 取向, 反馈和持续支持. 不要满足于更少!
  2. 做好搬迁调查. 在你接受任何职位之前, 让自己熟悉这个设施, 工作职责, 护理团队, 组织文化, 患者人群, 工作期望和整个卫生系统. 另外,考虑一下你将住在哪里. Check out 住房, restaurants, parks, gyms, grocery stores and other amenities.
  3. 制定详细的搬迁预算. 把你估计的搬家费用放在一起, 住房, 运输, 水电费及其他生活费用. Ensure you have enough cash on hand to cover gaps in income or unexpected costs. Be willing to negotiate your 搬迁 package if needed.
  4. 侦察你的路线. 找出上班的最佳方式. 如何避免交通堵塞? 你应该什么时候离开? 你什么时候回家? Will you walk, bike, drive, ride share or use public 运输? 你要把车停在哪里?? How much time will you need to get from the parking lot to work?
  5. 包战略. Communicate with your moving company on how to best prepare your belongings. Look for packing tips online and think about what you’ll need. 你会得到一个存储单元吗? Will your agency help you find a mover, or will you do it alone?
  6. 更新你的信息. Let your family, friends and service providers know you’ll be moving and give them your new address. 博彩澳门网站平台登录 your bank, healthcare providers, schools, library, post office, etc. 别忘了更新你的驾照, register your vehicle and get a new license place if you’re moving out of state.
  7. 建立关系网. 寻找当地的医疗机构, professional organizations and networking events to join in your new location. Also, figure out how you’ll pursue your hobbies once you move. Into hiking, kayaking, birding, running, cycling, climbing, golfing, boating or fishing? Want to join a group for reading, writing, acting or playing musical instruments? Find your people, and you’ll begin to feel confident in your new home.
  8. 做好准备,放松! Once you’ve begun to unpack and settle into your home, prepare for your new position. Ready your uniform and equipment, shop for the week, and prepare your snacks and meals. 在上班的路上试跑一下. 为你的新工作做好心理准备. Take time to look at your planner, get centered and get organized before your first day. 然后放松,睡个好觉.

经过深思熟虑后, planning and the help of a healthcare staffing company specializing in 搬迁s, you’ll be well on your way to a smooth 搬迁!


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